Everyday Banter

January 6, 2010

8-Bit Left 4 Dead: Team Shoot Louis, Retro Style!

Image by Cystie via Flickr

I’ve mentioned the sights of car rentals and buses flying through the air at you before, but never before did I think an 8-Bit Tank would be the culprit.

If you’re on the edge while waiting for The Passing, and have gotten a little bored of Left 4 Dead 2 itself, why not go zombie retro? Pixel Force have packed all the fun of Left 4 Dead into 21 MB while giving you that cozy nostalgic feeling that only an 8-bit game could bring.

You can download the game here. Sadly it is not playable over mobile broadband, as far as I can tell. 😦

If you’d like a little more view into the game before you put your hard earned time into that 21MB download, there’s a little video over at Shack News.

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