Everyday Banter

January 6, 2010

8-Bit Left 4 Dead: Team Shoot Louis, Retro Style!

Image by Cystie via Flickr

I’ve mentioned the sights of car rentals and buses flying through the air at you before, but never before did I think an 8-Bit Tank would be the culprit.

If you’re on the edge while waiting for The Passing, and have gotten a little bored of Left 4 Dead 2 itself, why not go zombie retro? Pixel Force have packed all the fun of Left 4 Dead into 21 MB while giving you that cozy nostalgic feeling that only an 8-bit game could bring.

You can download the game here. Sadly it is not playable over mobile broadband, as far as I can tell. 😦

If you’d like a little more view into the game before you put your hard earned time into that 21MB download, there’s a little video over at Shack News.

January 4, 2010

Fallout 3 storage. Items disappearing fix.

fallout 3
Image by Cystie via Flickr

I’ve been playing Fallout 3 a little bit lately, and overall it’s a pretty great game. I took the often walked path and dumped all my points into intelligence and hardly any into strength, which means more points when you level but you can carry jack shit when it comes to your back pack. Before I actually figured out you could fast travel (I don’t really get this anyway, does he yell for a non-existent car hire or does it just skip the amount of time it would have taken us to walk there?) after walking from one city to another while over encumbered… Yeah, that took a while. Nice profit though!

So I did what any good gamer would do, look for a place to dump my stash of weapons, ammo and oddly smelling scrap metal.

Without giving you guys any spoilers, one way or another you’re going to end up with your own place to stay in the game – complete with storage! I stuck a load of crap in one of my draws when I got there and happily set off again to find even more useless stuff, but to my surprise, when I got back all my stuff was gone. Had I been robbed? I didn’t even know people could rob my house. My first thought was to kill anyone within a 50 yard radius of my house with a mini nuke… But I decided to check on my mobile broadband first… low and behold, it’s a bug!

Easily fixed though, first check if you own whatever you’re trying to store items in, lets use a desk as an example:

  1. Open Console with `
  2. Click on the desk
  3. Type IsOwner

It should now let you know if you own the desk or not. If you don’t own it, the items that you store inside won’t stay for long. To set yourself as owner, follow these steps:

  1. Open Console with `
  2. Click on the desk
  3. Type SetOwnership

If you want to check if it worked, just type IsOwner again, like you did before.

October 16, 2009

Lock your Car with your iPhone… and also stalking?!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , , , — Tums @ 11:32 am
Image by Cystie via Flickr

Sometimes I find really awesome apps for the iPhone. Sometimes I find really creepy apps for the iPhone. Yet both of them are usually funny.

First off, lets talk about the car app (saying car app over and over really fast does not represent my view on the app). Basically, this turns your iPhone into a key for your car, and even more.

Using the app, you can unlock and lock your car, open the trunk of your car, turn the alarm of your car off and on, turn the heat off and on and of course, start the ignition.

‘What’s the point?’, you might be asking. ‘Why would I want to use the iPhone to open my car when I have a perfectly good key?’ The app can actually do any of these things from anywhere, no line of sight involved because it is done over your network. Need to de-ice your car everyday, all winter? Set your alarm for an hour before you need to get up, turn on the heat, and voila, you’ve de-iced the car without leaving your bed. Plus you won’t need to carry your keys around in your pocket any more. Ever fallen and landed on your keys? Yeah, you know what I’m talking about.

I imagine it’s also helpful if someone wants to use your car, you can unlock it from anywhere. If I remember correctly, the app (or an app like it, I can’t remember) starting in car rentals – it’s cool to see it out for the public to use.

You might be wondering how it works, this is the catch. Hardware will need to be installed in your car which costs about  £185 ($300). However, the app itself is free for now.

I wonder if you can honk your horn at people with it? Personally I’d be sitting on my living furniture watching people walk past and pressing it. 😀

You can find out more about the app here.

The stalking app just…. scares me. I’ll let you make your own call on this one (no pun).

October 9, 2009

The Zombie Apocalypse Nears: Better Tell Facebook

Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit
Image by mr. nightshade via Flickr

The Zombie Apocalypse is finally here.

What happens? Geeks everywhere already have a plan. We’re ready, not that our imaginary plans would even work. I think the best plan is to make sure you can run faster than the person behind you.

In the past few years, social networking has become huge, and more likely than anything I think we’d see: ‘lol next door just got eaten by a zombie‘ on our friend’s Facebook page. Word of mouth travels pretty quickly through social media, a lot faster than conventional media in my opinion.

So, what would you do? Maybe you’re in a taxi or car rental on the way home from some heavy drinking in town (make sure to have a dedicated driver, you might hit a zombie) and get home. Then you remember that the driver tried to bite you… Hmmm. Better tell Facebook.

Here’s an example of what you might see, come that time:

You can find more here.

Image via <a href=

Image via <a href="%22http://www.collegehumor.com/article:1792618%22" mce_href=""http://www.collegehumor.com/article:1792618"">Collegehumor.com</a><br mce_bogus="1">

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