Everyday Banter

January 4, 2010

Fallout 3 storage. Items disappearing fix.

fallout 3
Image by Cystie via Flickr

I’ve been playing Fallout 3 a little bit lately, and overall it’s a pretty great game. I took the often walked path and dumped all my points into intelligence and hardly any into strength, which means more points when you level but you can carry jack shit when it comes to your back pack. Before I actually figured out you could fast travel (I don’t really get this anyway, does he yell for a non-existent car hire or does it just skip the amount of time it would have taken us to walk there?) after walking from one city to another while over encumbered… Yeah, that took a while. Nice profit though!

So I did what any good gamer would do, look for a place to dump my stash of weapons, ammo and oddly smelling scrap metal.

Without giving you guys any spoilers, one way or another you’re going to end up with your own place to stay in the game – complete with storage! I stuck a load of crap in one of my draws when I got there and happily set off again to find even more useless stuff, but to my surprise, when I got back all my stuff was gone. Had I been robbed? I didn’t even know people could rob my house. My first thought was to kill anyone within a 50 yard radius of my house with a mini nuke… But I decided to check on my mobile broadband first… low and behold, it’s a bug!

Easily fixed though, first check if you own whatever you’re trying to store items in, lets use a desk as an example:

  1. Open Console with `
  2. Click on the desk
  3. Type IsOwner

It should now let you know if you own the desk or not. If you don’t own it, the items that you store inside won’t stay for long. To set yourself as owner, follow these steps:

  1. Open Console with `
  2. Click on the desk
  3. Type SetOwnership

If you want to check if it worked, just type IsOwner again, like you did before.

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