Everyday Banter

September 18, 2009

Daniel Ek talks about Spotify

Filed under: internet, Music — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Tums @ 10:45 am

Just found a great post about Daniel Ek talking about Spotify last night whe I was searching for people talking about mobile broadband and Spotify on Twitter, you can find the post here.

Here’s a couple of extracts from the post by Matt Churchill:

Spotify’s Daniel Ek last night confirmed that Spotify is considering introducing different price points and that the percentage of premium members is not yet in double digits, and that 80% of Spotify users have stopped file sharing.

It’s great to see that Spotify is preventing illegal file sharing.

Daniel confirmed to the enraptured audience that the main limit to growth is the competition, which is piracy, not iTunes, and that the next challenge facing the Swedish start up is to get users to share their music effectively. Saying that music is the most sociable type of culture and that it “transcends cultures, demographic barriers,” Spotify want to “encourage developers to create tools around Spotify to share music” rather than replace them, taking a leaf out of Twitter’s book.

It looks, from what he is talking about, that Spotify is developing really well – I’m looking forward to see what the company has to come.

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