Everyday Banter

January 6, 2010

Left 4 Dead 2: The Passing DLC

The final design of the survivors, shown on th...
Image via Wikipedia

Somewhat old news, but I’d like to cover it for the sake of covering it really (I probably could have updated via mobile broadband went it was first announced, but oh well!) Valve recently(ish) announced the first add-on for Left 4 Dead 2, where the new survivors (Ellis, Coach, Rochelle and Nick) will meet the survivors from Left 4 Dead 1 (Bill, Francis, Zoey and Louis).

“The Passing will become the most important campaign in the Left 4 Dead story, as all the Survivors are being called together in one campaign,” Valve’s marketing VP Doug Lombardi had to say. “It will also be a huge offering of new gameplay content, with something new for every game mode plus a new uncommon common and weaponry.”

So, we get a new campaign, a new co-op mode and a few new features such as weapons and new uncommon (I refuse to say uncommon common). The new campaign will take place after Left 4 Dead 2’s Dead Centre (remember Ellis’ little “car hire“?) and before Dark Carnival, so it’ll be interesting to see how they slot that in there without breaking the continuity.

According to some sources, we’ll be taking control of the L4D2 cast and not the L4D1 cast, so it’s yet to be seen how they’ll take part in the game play or storyline.

Here’s for playing as Zoey and spamming the death scream voice command again!

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