Everyday Banter

October 1, 2009

Make your own Piranha Plant for Halloween!

Filed under: Comedy — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , — Tums @ 12:24 pm

How awesome is this?

Piranha Plant and Vincent

Piranha Plant and Vincent

Super awesome.

This would be great for keeping the trick and treaters at bay, or at least scaring them! Sadly it doesn’t breath fire though… not that I would want my life size Piranha to throw awesome balls of fire at children. Nope.

These were sculpted by Kalapusa.  A really awesome job. Some more pics, including baby plant who is teething:

Teething Hurts

Teething Hurts

Piranha Plant's Mouth

Piranha Plant's Mouth

I know what you’re all thinking, if you grew up in the 80s or before, at least: Feed me, Seymour! Well, you’re in luck, he also made Audrey:



Want one? Apparently they’re going to be on eBay soon. You can check out the details in the ‘more info’ box of his ‘How to make a Piranha Plant’ video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMp4JKcz5kE

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